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I Have No Idea What to Do with My Life – Here’s What You Should Do

Do you have those days where you cannot understand the purpose of your life? Do you often find yourself saying,”I have no idea what to do with my life?”

Well, the good news is that you’re not alone. The inability to make a decision or choose is a fairly common one. There’s also a feeling of guilt that accompanies this inability. You might think that you have a good job and an amazing family, then why do you feel unfulfilled?

Many people have no idea what they are doing with their lives.

The brainsbehind Beauty of Ashes has seen several challenges in life. She had no idea what she had to do at one point in her life. But she didn’t give up! She picked herself and realized that her ashes could be exchanged for beauty.

Moreover, she resisted the shackles of negative thoughts and found her purpose in life.  God gave her the strength to face the challenges of life.

And that has made all the difference.

Thus, she knew how hard things could get and how significant it is to speak of her struggles to motivate others.  So, if you feel you are in a rut or unable to understand the purpose of your life. Then read our blogs or contact us to get a clear idea of how you can build a meaningful life.

Read this blog post to understand the clear steps that can help you navigate the path towards a meaningful life.

You Are Not Alone

“I have no idea what to do with my life!” If you find yourself saying this, it’s time you get a good answer.

Most people have no idea what they have to do in life. Even if they do not show or tell you, they still struggle to figure it out. You are not the only human struggling with life’s challenges or questioning your existence.

There are times when you feel that your life is perfect, and then suddenly, everything falls.  It all depends on whether you can withstand the burden of your thoughts or not.

You need to understand the purpose of your life and yourself to address the uncertainty you are dealing with.

Moreover, stay connected with your Lord because this life is a gift from Him. No one other than him can bring you peace. Thus, in the end, we all look for something that can motivate us to move forward.

“I have no idea what to do with my life!” If you find yourself saying this, it’s time you get a good answer.

Most people have no idea what they have to do in life. Even if they do not show or tell you, they still struggle to figure it out. You are not the only human struggling with life’s challenges or questioning your existence.

There are times when you feel that your life is perfect, and then suddenly, everything falls.  It all depends on whether you can withstand the burden of your thoughts or not.

You need to understand the purpose of your life and yourself to address the uncertainty you are dealing with.

Moreover, stay connected with your Lord because this life is a gift from Him. No one other than him can bring you peace. Thus, in the end, we all look for something that can motivate us to move forward.

Things to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do With Your Life

We do understand following certain techniques might be difficult. But believe us when we say that it is not hard to bring your life back on track. Thus, getting out of your comfort zone is the key to success.

You are the artist of your life. If you want to create something great, you should be prepared to do great things as well. To help you get started on the right foot, we have gathered a list of things you should do when youhave no idea what’s going on in your life.


1.     Stop Resisting

Do a favor and be kind to yourself. Your brain does so much for you. So do not exhaust it by overthinking or questioning your existence.

You need to be kind because your mind and body do so much for you in a day. You cannot stress them out by thinking about negative things, leading you nowhere. If you do, you would only have stress to deal with. And nothing good comes out of that.

When you find yourself saying that “I have no idea what to do with my life,” shift your focus immediately. Distract yourself as soon as you feel your thoughts spiraling a little.Otherwise, negative thoughts will start piling up.

Every time things feel irrelevant,or you begin to question who you are and what you are supposed to do, remember you are one of God’s perfect creations. He does not create anything in vain.

2.     Go for a Walk

Get your blood pumping!  Do not let the feeling of irrelevance take over you. Instead, wear your favorite shrug and go for a stroll.

Walking also releases endorphins that can improve your mood and reduce stress. Moreover, when you inhale the fresh air,your brain gets the clarity it needs to think with more focus. Thus, a walk can increase your blood flow and blood circulation, which improves your mood.

You can observe nature or think about the happiest moments of life. So dip your feet a little in a happily nostalgic place.

3.     Do Your Chores

You love your house, don’t you? Yes, we all like to keep our house clean.

House chores do not require hard decisions, and you can let your mind relax. Thus, even when tired or feeling blue, do your chores. There is no better feeling other than seeing your house clean.

Household chores tend to serve as a mental distraction and bring your self-satisfaction. Thus, when you focus on accomplishing something, you break the cycle of negative thoughts.

Did you know that many people find dishwashing to be a rather relaxing activity? Who knew! It’s the simple act of doing something which is not particularly mentally challenging, but at the same time, you’re accomplishing something: cleaning dishes.

4.     Learn Something New

The saying”an idle brain is a devil’s workshop” is true.

Use your idle time to read a new book or learn a new skill. By learning different things,you exercise your brain. Then, absorb the knowledge because it can open new doors for you and give you the answers you are seeking.

Moreover, when you learn something new, you gain more confidence. New skills can help you override your weaknesses and failures.  Look for the silver lining because one new skill can promote you or offer different opportunities in life.

Thus, you eliminate negative thoughts and even improve yourself in this way.

5.     Meditate

Do you know meditation has the potential of calming your nerves and helping your brain relax? It can help you clear the chaos in your mind. Thus, stay calm and get rid of negative thoughts.

Meditation is the process that involves certain breathing activities which help your body relax. If you want to focus on the present moment, then meditate.  It can be hard, but you have to train your mind. Moreover, there are various benefits of meditations as well.

Never let your thoughts consume you or stress out by thinking, “I have no idea what I am doing.”

Let’s Partner Up To Solve Your Life’s Toughest Challenges

Beauty For Ashes knows it is hard to move on from what you feel right now, but we are sure that this 30 minute call can be your first step to a new beginning.

6.     Be Creative

If you feel like you are not particularly creative, get involved in some creative activity. After that, you should give yourself a break and try something creative.

Creativity promotes problem-solving abilities, and your mind gets consumed with accomplishing something. So you can paint, solve a puzzle, write a poem, bake, or learn salsa!

You will notice a difference in your life after completing short creative tasks.

7.     Be with Your Loved Ones

Your family and friends cherish your existence, and they love you for who you are. But, at times,you have no clue what to do with life or with the love they offer you. So, the best option is to be open to receiving that love.

Love makes a difference, and you will feel happy.  Thus, if you are connected closely to your loved ones, you will be more satisfied with your life. Even if you have a single person to hold onto, stay with that person. Cherish their existence, and try to do things that make them happy. Effort never goes to waste.

8.     Stay Connected to God

Life is a blessing! So never think that your life is useless. Always remember that God loves you more than anyone could ever possibly. Thus, if you act upon His teachings, you will never find yourself contemplating, “Ihave no idea what to do with my life!”

Read Bible and understand God’s message that he will never let you suffer. On the contrary, you will feel stronger than ever. Moreover, God’s words will help clean your soul and help you grow.

In addition to that, if you want to feel supported or loved, then remember your Lord daily. Thank him for the food you eat and the things you have.

9.     Experiment with Your Life

We know that discovering the purpose of life is not easy. Your negative thoughts can cripple your personality, and at times, you cannot understand your own choices. Sometimes the answer to your statement,”Ihave no idea what to do with my life!” might be an idea that you have not tried. But for this purpose, you should be open-minded.

Look at your job and ask yourself whether you love what you do. Or are you interested in doing something else? Experimenting with new things can help you explore new opportunities in life.  You never know what you are good at unless you put yourself out there and try things!

10. Travel as Much as You Can

We all know how important it is to step out of your bubble. Thus, your same routine can sometimes take a toll on your mental health and may become the reason you question your sanity and wonder what to do with your life.

Exploring new places, tasting their food, and attending various festivals help you see the world differently. Thus, it would help if you took a break and traveled for at least a week. Travelling is therapeutic as seeing new places relieves your tension.

Moreover, getting out of your comfort zone can positively impact your mental health. Thus, you will never say,”Ihave no idea what to do with my life!”

You Inner Child: Contemplate

Have you ever contemplated howyou did things based on your instinct, and you were happy when you were a child?

Deep down, our inner child exists because it is our authentic self. But, unfortunately, many of us stop listening to our “inner child” as we grow up. Thus, listen to your heart and do the things that you love. Do not worry about anyone else or stress out because of trivial matters.

Stop suppressing your heart! Be authentic and analyze your strengths. Hence, you will notice how peaceful your life becomes.

Change your habits and take time out for yourself.  Contemplate what kind of activities your inner child likes? How can you embrace difficult situations? Does your boss’ mean words matter? It doesn’t matter if Karen doesn’t like you. There are several others who love you.

Think about the difficult situations and how they have changed you. Or think about your priorities in life. Thus, you will find a purpose to live and build a better future in this way.

Final Thoughts

We hope you no longer find yourself saying,”Ihave no idea what to do with my life!”

Never lose the grip of your essence or get carried away by your emotions. You have one life to live. Please don’t waste it by stressing yourself.  Ask yourself relevant questions.

Moreover, do the things that make you happy and follow the techniques mentioned in the blog post. Then, trust us, you will be satisfied with your life.

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