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14 Life Lessons To Learn From The Bible

We are so busy that we often forget to read the Bible. It is indeed a wonderful book that is worth studying. Humans suffer because they look for answers everywhere apart from God’s book.

The Bible is one of the essential books that the world has ever known as people widely read it. It is available everywhere, and people can learn some valuable life lessons.

Moreover, the Bible teaches us some of the most important life lessons that can make our lives beautiful. The coach of Beauty of Ashes suffered from the wrath of life, but she didn’t lose hope and read the Bible for inspiration. She exactly knew where she had to look for encouragement.

Moreover, she knew how hard things would get if she didn’t stay close to God. It was her Lord who gave her the strength she needed to combat the problems of life. Today, she is stronger than ever and ready to voice her story.

In this blog, some valuable life lessons from the Holy Bible are listed. So dive in to explore the wonderful lessons!

Valuable Lessons From the Bible

Whenever you feel down, you should read the Bible for motivation. Do not go to people for hope or words of encouragement. Some of the valuable life lessons from the Bible are as follows.

1. God’s Involvement

God is the Creator of this universe and everything that exists in it. We all know that this life is also a gift from God. But he has given us the responsibility to take care of His universe.

Thus, how can we forget that He exists and is involved in our lives? We are wrong if we detach ourselves from Him and hope that our lives will be happy. On the contrary, the more we are connected to God and His teachings, the happier we will be.

It’s as simple as this: with God by our side, and we do not need anyone else.

Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

If we do not understand the purpose of life, we should read the Bible and seek help from it. We are the favorite creation of God, and He wants us to enjoy the valuable gift of life.

2. You Are Not Alone

Another important life lesson from the Bible is that we are never truly alone in our miseries. Unfortunately, we often feel that way and look for a shoulder to lean on.

However, when we are going through a particularly difficult time, we can sometimes make erroneous judgments. Thus, we get that support from people that are not completely right for us.

This is why it is better to always turn to God for support first. With Him, you can never go wrong. He always has our best interest. However, this does not mean that you should totally refuse any support and reassurance from people. It is just to tell you that you need to be careful with the people you choose to be with.

Sometimes, even people we think are the best kind of people don’t always have the nicest intentions for us. So, therefore, they end up doing us more bad than good.

3. Try to Live Purposefully

Living aimlessly only adds to your misery. When you don’t know what you have to do in your life, it can become even easier to get lost in the chaos. Additionally, when you don’t know which path you are supposed to be on, how can you expect to get your life on a path, to begin with?

In such a situation, a path simply does not exist for you.

But what is your life’s purpose anyway? How are you supposed to even figure out those paths?

We look to the Bible for some inspiration. As per this sacred book, our purpose in life is to help others. Therefore, our aim in life should be to make things easier for others.

Hebrews 13:16 says, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
When you truly want to create ease for others, God creates ease for you. He is always watching us. Anything good that we do never goes unnoticed in God’s court. Try to live your life with this intent, and you’ll see how your life works out for you too.

4. Never Lose Faith

Having hope requires courage. It’s so easy to give up in the face of adversity. However, an important lesson in the Bible is to always have faith that things will work out for the better. Remember that God never abandons you when life doesn’t seem too bright and the future seems bleak.

Everything that happens happens for a reason. You may feel like the entire world is against you, but in reality, this is just a challenge for you to step up and strengthen your faith. Know that whatever happens, against all odds, you will make it.
Try to look at every setback as an opportunity for you to come back stronger. The people around you may try their best to discourage you, but don’t give in to the naysayers. This isn’t their life, so don’t make important life decisions based on what others say.

God gives His battles to His strongest soldiers. So if He brought you to it, He will get you through it.

No matter how difficult it may seem. Have faith!


5. Seek God’s Approval

When we try to improve our lives, be it our careers, relationships, health, or anything else for that matter, we may lose sight of what is truly important: God’s approval.

We look at people for validation in our fight to “better” ourselves. Are we finally getting a paycheck on a monthly basis that would impress people? Have we finally lost enough weight for society to accept us as their member?

In several other similar scenarios, our end goal is to not get to a place where we are comfortable with ourselves and have God’s approval, but rather our focus is entirely on what those around us have to say about it.

You need to understand something super important: people will never be entirely happy with you. They will always find something to complain about. So, why give them more material to work with by asking for their approval and seeking their validation at every step of the way?

Live for God’s approval instead. You will not be disappointed.

Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

6. Build Accountability

Some people have a tendency to put the blame on everyone else except themselves. Some may even go to this extent where they rationalize challenges and difficulties by saying that this is God’s fault.

Such people are never able to improve their lives. If you continuously shift the blame on the outside, you give the controls to your life to the outside as well.

And this is the silliest thing you can do.

No man or woman in their sense would want others to control their happiness and productivity. Hence, an important lesson in the Bible is to not blame others or God for the difficulties you face. Instead, turn to God to seek assistance, not to blame him for things that go wrong in your life.

Let Him show you the way out of the darkness you are in. Let Him guide you to safety.


7. Be Gentle with Others

We all make mistakes. After all, perfection is a trait that solely belongs to God.

So when we aren’t entirely without faults, how can we expect others to be so?
It’s so easy to lose our cool when our coworkers make mistakes. We get impatient when our family members don’t understand our perspectives. We want to lash out at our children when they don’t listen to us.

Any time you want to scold anyone, just take a moment to remember that you are dealing with God’s creation. Plus, the words we use have incredible power. They have the capability to break us or make us. You never know how many years later someone may still remember what you said to them when they let you down.

Be humble towards others. You are not better than anyone on any ground. Please acknowledge that we all make mistakes at some point. So, choose to forgive rather than seek revenge. You are better than this.

Romans 12:3 says, “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”

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8. Accept the Adversaries with Grace

Difficulties are part and parcel of life. Nobody is spared.

God tests everyone as per the level of faith they demonstrate. So, when your faith is being tested, remember to deal with them with patience. Don’t go around saying, “why me?” because this mindset prevents you from using the challenge as just another way to better yourself.

Instead, be glad that God chose you for this trial. He obviously knew that you could be trusted with something like this. So now, don’t disappoint Him by wondering why it didn’t happen to anyone else.

9. Trust in God’s Timing

The summary of a popular quote goes something like this: you are anxious not because life isn’t working out for you. You are anxious because you want it to work on your time when things actually work out as per God’s timing. And His timing is the best.

There are so many couples who struggle for children. There are so many unemployed people who wait endlessly to get the right job. Know that things will happen when God thinks you are ready for them.

So, what should you do till then? Is there anything you should be looking into as you patiently wait for your turn to come?

Yes. As you patiently wait to have your prayers answered, analyze your current blessings. You don’t have children. Okay, you can pray to God to bless you with healthy kids. But you do have a husband. You also have a mom and dad, siblings, friends, and so many other excellent people in your life.

So, why not use your time and skills to be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend instead of just worrying about when you will be a mom?

When you look at what you can do now, in the present, and how you can excel in life, you let go of the victim mentality.
You create a life where you can excel using the opportunities that are present rather than waste your time crying with whatever you don’t have. Try developing this mindset.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.”

10. Believe in God’s Promise

Isaiah 61:3 says, “…and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”

Whatever happens in this world, know that you will be compensated for it. God has the ultimate redemptive power, and soon, all your trials, burdens, and challenges will be turned into something everlastingly beautiful.

11. Always be Grateful

Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Irrespective of where in life you may be, always remember to thank God for all He has done for you and continues to do for you. An important life lesson from the Bible is to practice gratefulness in every matter.

It’s easy to be grateful when you already have so many blessings. However, the real test of faith is when you have to be grateful even when you are going through trials. If you are able to show faith and thank God even in difficult times, you will go ahead in this life and in the Hereafter as well.

12. Stay Devoted to God

This world can really get a hold of our hearts. And when it does, we become deluded and start to pursue things that don’t really hold any value in the Hereafter.

For instance, we might get power-hungry. We might chase money and other worldly things like that. When we get too preoccupied with these worldly goals, there’s no space left in our hearts for God and His commands.

And this is exactly where things start to go wrong.

Instead, we should stay devoted to God and His teachings that we find from the Bible. We should all try our best to be the best versions of ourselves in light of His commands. He is our Creator, after all, and we need to give Him His due diligence.

13. Focus on the Hereafter

This world is temporary. The people in it and everything will all end one day. So the real happiness and glory lie with God in the Hereafter.

Hence, if you face a difficult situation in life and are truly hurt by the actions of those around you, remind yourself that this will all end one day. Then you won’t ever have to look back at these wounds.

Additionally, the adversaries you face today will be compensated for something so much greater later on. So keep your eye on the bigger picture. Learn to forgive and embrace change.

Always aim to be a bigger and better person.

14. Handover Your Fears to God

As humans, there is only so much we can do.

We have limited potential and a limited capacity to deliver. Sure, we might make grand plans, but we might not always be able to fulfill those plans. However, God is the most resourceful. There is nothing too big or too small for Him.

He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants. So why not give our worries and fears to him and have Him help us out. This is the best way to live your life. God will not only address all your concerns, but He will also show you the way out of your misery. He will help you become strong.

Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

These are just 14 of the important lessons from the Bible. There are several more, so take out some time today and reflect on the Bible’s teachings to improve your life for the better.

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