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How To Support A Friend Going Through A Difficult Times?

A friend acting a bit off or a little strange can be very disturbing, right? But let us tell you, don’t leave them alone as they might be experiencing something in their lives. They surely need your support during the trying times of their lives.

Once in a lifetime, everyone suffers from unprecedented events that can affect them mentally or emotionally. After all, our lives are fragile, and sometimes challenges may come from anywhere. Therefore, we all should be humble and kind towards each other. We have no idea what battle the other person may be fighting.

Luke 6:31: “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”

We also want people to support us when life knocks us down. So, you should help others too. Assistance can make a difference, and you should take proper steps to lend a hand to your beloved friend.

There are times when you contemplate how you can help your friend. But, you do not find the right ways to do so. Don’t worry; the coach of Beauty for Ashes also suffered at the hands of life, and she is here to help you understand the purpose of your existence.

She had no one other than the Holy Book to depend on when she was going through a tough time. But you have her. Thus, learn from her stories and help your friends so together we can make this world a better and peaceful place to live in.
If you often Google how to support a friend going through a difficult time? Then, dive in! We have compiled excellent tips to help you support your friends during their tough times.

Tips to Support a Friend Through Difficult Times

support friends in hard time

Are you confused about how to support a friend going through a difficult time? Then, use the following tips to support your friend.

1. You Are Not Alone

Your friends can experience challenges in life, and you need to support them in their tough times.

As we face these life problems, it is natural to feel that no one loves you and you’re all alone. You might feel you are the only person bearing the weight of this world, and no one is there for you. However, that’s far from the truth.

You need to remind yourself, and even your friends, that nobody is truly alone in their struggles. If you see a friend struggling, encourage them to speak their hearts out to cope with the loss. Keeping everything to themselves can trigger negative emotions.

2. Be Compassionate

You might feel that your friend talks a lot about a similar thing. They can’t stop going on and on about the loss they suffered.

Don’t get irritated or angry with them. Remember that life is testing them and you need to treat them with compassion.

Your Lord even wants you to be compassionate with your enemies, which can be the hardest thing, right? So, why not help your friends? Kindness will not cost you much, and God will reward you for it.

Galatians 6:9: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.”

Remember, kindness for the sake of kindness is your goal. The words that you utter can light up others’ lives.

3. Be Non-Judgmental

Wondering how to support a friend going through a difficult time?

The first thing to do is to show that you empathize with their situation and refrain from passing any judgments. When you sound non-judgmental, your friends are more likely to feel comfortable discussing their issues with you.

It would help assure your friend that it is alright to vent with you as you won’t judge them. Your sincere words matter a lot, and you need to go the extra mile without judging them for their actions.

4. Share Your Experiences

We all go through tough times, right? In order to motivate your friend, you need to talk about your struggles too. The reason is that your friend might think that the suffering is inflicted only upon him. Thus, be polite with them and talk about your hard times, so they have something to relate with as well.

You can encourage your friends to read about the life challenges of the coach of Beauty of Ashes and how she battled with them. They might find her story motivating and find it easier to remain patient as life is hard for everyone.

Colossians 3:12: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

5. Practical Help

People suffer from different challenges in their daily lives. Whether your friend is grieving for the loss of a loved one or facing a financial crisis, you need to support your friend by offering them practical help.

There are several nice things to do for a friend going through a hard time. One of them is to offer practical and sincere advice.

MATTHEW 5:16: “In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven.”

If their life challenge stops them from doing their daily chores, you do it for them. Or you can buy their groceries or go to the market for them. Moreover, you can invite them over to your house so they can enjoy their time. This gesture can make them feel better and make a great difference.

6. Encourage Your Friend to Seek Help

If you feel that your friend’s condition is not getting better and is worsening, you should encourage them to seek out a professional’s assistance. Speaking to a therapist, a life coach, or a psychologist may just be the thing your friend needs to get their life back on track.

Love humanity for the sake of your Lord. You will live a blessed life when you love and help your friend.

Sometimes, you cannot control things. Other times, you can’t even help out your friend much. In such circumstances, contacting a therapist can be a great move and can prove to be quite helpful.

The coach of the Beauty for Ashes can be your counselor and friend. She will help you or your friend battle the hardships with the right attitude and mindset.

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Beauty For Ashes knows it is hard to move on from what you feel right now, but we are sure that this 30 minute call can be your first step to a new beginning.

8. Be a Good Listener

Are you thinking about what to say to someone going through a hard time? Don’t think too much because there’s another interesting way to look at this. Do you know what the significant part of a conversation is? Listening!

So if you can’t figure out what to say to your friend, just hear them out instead.

Sometimes it is simply better to not speak to them or reassure them. Because more than the advice, they need someone who can listen to what they have to say.

So, let your friend say whatever they want to. By doing so, you sound more humble, and your friend also feels relaxed. But, on the other hand, if you speak a lot, your friend might feel like they don’t have the space to share their side of the story at all.

9. Empathize Their Condition

Everyone suffers from different challenges in their lives. Before you judge someone for how they act, you should walk a mile in their shoes. If you cannot comprehend what your friend is going through, don’t question them or comment on them.
Empathize their condition and focus on what they are saying. You can build a better relationship with your friends and enhance your own emotional awareness as a result too. Don’t let your negative emotions stop you from doing this goodness.

Matthew 7:12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them…”

10. Don’t Ignore Them

At some point, you might feel that your friend’s situation will not get better anytime soon. Or you might think that they talk about similar things frequently. However, ensure that you do not ignore them at any point in their lives.

You don’t want people to leave you, right? So, do not turn your back on others either because helping a friend in need is the best thing you can do. Understand that they will get better as time passes by. Thus, love and support unconditionally.

You never know which one good deed of yours will make a way out for you. God knows everything you do, and he will bless you if you help others. Life is fragile. We never know what the future holds for us. Therefore, love each other for the sake of being loved.

11. Don’t Preach

If your friend tells you about their situation, make sure you do not start preaching them. A lecture is the last thing your friend needs. They need your shoulder, not your teachings, at this point in their life.

Your tone matters a lot when you talk to someone who is suffering. Make sure to sound polite and show that you care. Remember, every word you say holds a value, so you avoid silver linings. Moreover, if you are not sure what you should talk about, do not say anything.

Hence, continue to listen until you find better words to utter. Because if you start preaching, you can make the situation worse. Try your best to make sure that things remain under your control.

12. Don’t Forget Self-care

There are times when we try to help our friends during their difficult times and forget ourselves completely. Moreover, if you are still searching for tips on how to support a friend going through a difficult time? Then you are indeed worried about their situation.

If your mental health is not well or you forget yourself, how will you handle your friend’s situation?

It doesn’t matter how much you try; you cannot always help your friends. We all know taking care of others during their problems is not easy. In addition to that, courage is needed. But, if you are burned out, you cannot help them at all.

So, don’t forget to take care of your own mental health because it is significant. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

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13. Accept the Negative Reactions

Sometimes, our friends lash out at us when dealing with something major. This reaction basically results from their anxiety, anger, fear, or other negative feelings. Don’t feel agitated that your friend got angry. Instead, try to accept their reactions as they may find it difficult to control their feelings and deal with the problems simultaneously.

Moreover, they are trying to cope with their lives and contemplate ways to be patient. If they lashed at you, it doesn’t mean that you did something wrong or you were at fault. Remind your friend that you are there for them and do not leave them on their own at any cost.

Your little efforts can bring happiness to their lives. So, make others happy!

14. Maintain Structure

When one is going through a difficult time, their routine gets disturbed. Moreover, they do not enjoy their lives anymore and get tired of everything around them.

During such times you should be there for them. Please don’t make them hate their lives; instead, make sure that your friend participates in different hobbies to divert their minds.

Moreover, overthinking is the cause of destruction so make sure they do not overthink. For example, if they have lost their job, ask them to join some online course to learn something new.

You can also ask them to exercise, bake, or cook. These things can be therapeutic for them. Thus, it is your job to help your beloved fix their routine.

15. Meditation

There are several benefits of meditation, and you should convince your friend to do it. However, if your friend has never meditated before, they might find the process a little more challenging.

It would be best for them to start with guided meditation audio videos that are available for free. There are several benefits associated with practicing meditation on a daily basis. It will improve their mood and reduce their stress.

Therefore, if your friend continues to meditate religiously, their life will become peaceful. With their emotions not clouding their mind, your friend would also be able to make better decisions and get better at solving their problems.

With meditation, you regain your mental strength. The more you practice, the better you will get at it. The improved emotion regulation and mental clarity can help you battle the challenges of life more effectively.

Simply put, ask your friend to meditate if they want to live a healthy life.

Final Thoughts

In this blog, we have covered some tips on how to help your friend and how to help a friend in crisis. After reading the tips mentioned above, we hope you understand how to support a friend going through a difficult time!

We know that talking to a friend during a tough time can be stressful but keep your nerves under control. Help your friend even if they do not ask you to because they need your help more than ever.

You should not leave your friend no matter what they are going through. Your support can change their life. Be there for them and pray for their safety.

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