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Restoring Relationship With God

You may have lost touch with God because you feel guilty and undeserving of His love, wisdom, and forgiveness. Or perhaps you’ve never thought about having a relationship with God. Still, you sense a strong internal urge to speak, finally establishing a connection with the spirit that is a part of your life.
Because you’re here, you’ve already made the difficult but crucial first step. You’re in a secure location. It’s time to relinquish control and start rebuilding your connection with God.
Restoring your relationship with God and improving it will require some simple steps.

How To Strengthen Your Relationship With God

Restore Relation With God
Before we can start to mend our connection with God, we must comprehend why it was broken in the first place and how it came to be that way.
The relationship is strained due to our actions rather than anything God has done. We have chosen our own course and moved away from God’s expectations.
Christian doctrine places a premium on sin, but it’s also that pejorative term that no one loves to bring up. So we like to believe that people are inherently kind.
But according to Christianity, everyone is affected by sin.

1. Pray

Relationships progress or stall depending on how much communication is prioritized or put forward. Say welcome to Him by opening your heart. It’s not necessary to pray formally; it can be informal and spontaneous.
Invite Him into your life by telling Him about yourself, your loved ones, and past and current circumstances. Express whatever comes to your heart. What troubles your soul, he wants to know.
Apologize if you feel forced to for your addiction or anything from your history. You’ll be heard, and He’ll pardon you. Show appreciation for all the gifts in your life. He bestows the blessings.
Asking why hardship, addiction, or sadness invaded your life is something you should do. He will bring you clarity by guiding you through these challenging issues.
Above all, engage Him in conversation. There is never a good time or place to speak with Him. Don’t hold back when you want to share. Talk to Him. He never stops listening.

2. Read the Bible

In addition to speaking to us quietly, God frequently interacts with us via His Word, the Bible. So God has something to speak to you about, no matter what is happening in your life or how you feel.
If you experience anxiety or dread, you should read the following scripture.
“Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
If you doubt your capacity to handle the challenges life has in store for you, with God. Once more, start small and dedicate only a few daily minutes to reading one particular chapter.

3. Understanding God’s Willingness To Forgive

The first step toward coming back to God is to comprehend God’s capacity for forgiveness. Remember that the prodigal son returned to his father because he realized how kind and understanding He was.
Are any of the things you’ve done making you feel bad and anxious? Do you have any doubts about forgiveness? When we are convinced of our sin, we may experience a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Our guilt tempts us to believe that no one, much less God, could ever pardon us. This is one of Satan’s traps to make us feel there is no hope and that there is no chance we may be forgiven or given new life.

4. Believe In Him

You must delve further than ever to discover the person God created you to be. Of course, you may doubt God due to difficulty and pain. But this is the stage where real growth and trust take place.
When you believe in God, you trust Him even if He is invisible. You believe Him even when you don’t understand why certain things happen the way they do.
When He asks you to undertake difficult things, have faith in Him. Trust Him when He wants you to walk the path He paved for you. Trust Him when He promises to catch you if you fall. Have faith in Him, and your connection will develop.

Let’s Partner Up To Solve Your Life’s Toughest Challenges

Beauty For Ashes knows it is hard to move on from what you feel right now, but we are sure that this 30 minute call can be your first step to a new beginning.

5. Develop Faith

But how does being a Christian connect to faith and reason? What if you find it difficult to believe what Christ and Christianity claim to be true? Thankfully, Christianity has a tradition that is grounded in the Bible for debating difficult issues.
The idea that Christians must reject reason in favor of faith is untrue. Christianity promotes a healthy mental existence. Reason and faith are complementary to one another. Christians are not expected to have leaps of faith or blind faith.
Instead, our faith is firmly grounded on many shreds of evidence, including the historical proof of the Resurrection, the integrity of historical findings, the dependability of the New Testament sources, and more.
In contrast to other worldviews, Christianity provides the most comprehensive account of reality. Since there is no God, according to atheism and secular humanism, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with our situation as it is.
Since we are only the result of chance and time, we should act intelligently. In general, pantheism, the
belief that everything is divine, asserts that people are inherently good. Our issue with pantheism is that we require enlightenment for spiritual liberty.
It will become clear that there is no actual difference between good and evil once we recognize that we are divine.

6. Attend a Church

We cannot physically attend church every Sunday. So the worship band, crammed seats, and post-service catching up with friends over tepid tea and biscuits can be missed sometimes.
However, it does not follow that we cannot attend church. The transition of many churches to internet services has happened swiftly. You can join with another congregation even if your church hasn’t.
Try to participate as much as possible, even though viewing church from a screen isn’t the same. When you regularly sing and praise, stand up. As you pray, bow your head. During the sermon, pay attention and take notes. Even though we may not be able to meet in person, we may still worship together virtually.

7. Surrender to Him

You pledge to get your life back on track by enrolling in treatment. You’re moving toward giving up control and submitting. Since you want to feel in control and find it difficult to accept that your life is on a negative trajectory, this may seem overwhelming and difficult.
You have arrived at this point because of your relationship with God through prayer, listening, and trust. Giving control to God and letting go of your will does not imply weakness or failure. This actually indicates the complete opposite. It indicates that you are prepared to change into the individual you were intended to be.

8. Love Your Family

You have shared a home with your parents, siblings, and other family members for a long time. How can you establish a strong bond with God, whom you have never seen, if you can’t do so with the individuals you have always known?
Therefore, to improve your connection with God, learn to love, respect, and honor your parents and siblings. When you respect your family members, your words and deeds reflect it. Even if you disagree with a family member’s decision, you should respect their freedom to make it.
Families also have collective goals they cooperate to accomplish.
“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.”
– 1 John 4:20 NIV

9. Helping Others

Making our faith all about “myself and God” is simple. But God instructs us to love both Him and other people. By serving others, we grow more like God and serve the world as His hands and feet. God’s love should overflow from us as we walk with Him and into the lives of people around us.
“Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord, and the Lord will fully repay them.”
The Bible has some good news for us: giving to others is often a reward in and of itself. But as the above scripture makes clear, God will also reward us for showing compassion for others who are less fortunate.

10. Find Silence

God wants to communicate with us, but our busy and noisy lifestyles frequently prevent us from hearing Him. The stillness is what we need.
Men and women known as “hermits” have traveled into the desert for thousands of years in search of isolation and stillness. As a result of COVID-19, everything shut down, and we experienced the same stillness inside our own houses.
Try to set aside some time each day for stillness. Since we’re not used to stillness in our daily lives, it could seem a little strange. But in the stillness, God is waiting for us.

11. Start Communicating With God

Consider your best buddy for a moment. Imagine for a moment that you two had never spoken. You didn’t unite in moments of triumph or rely on one another through difficult times. Most likely, your relationship would end abruptly.
Because healthy relationships require healthy communication, our connection with God is no different. Prayer is the best way to speak with God if we desire to deepen our relationship with Him. Start simple if you’ve never truly set aside time in your day for prayer.
Invite God into your day as soon as you wake up and beg him to bless it. Then, think back to the day when you go to sleep and thank God.
Try to set aside at least 10 minutes to be alone with God daily. If you’re unsure how to approach him, let him know what’s on your mind. Share your concerns, your apprehensions, and the areas of your life where you most desperately need his grace.

12. Find Ways to Connect

No man is an island, as author John Donne famously stated, and this is undoubtedly true in the context of our faith. We’re not supposed to practice religion on our own. We need a location where we can gather to pray, celebrate our victories, and get help when needed. A community is necessary.
The Real Talk crew recently convened for a prayer session through a Zoom video conference. People shared prayer requests, listened to some praise music, and read a scripture from the Bible. Even though it was somewhat unlike customary in-person team prayers, connecting with God was nonetheless wonderful.


The broken connection between ourselves and God is not immediately repaired by Christ’s death and Resurrection. We must reply directly, honestly, and with a determination to stop sinning (repent), admitting that only Christ can deliver us from our sin-cursed state.
The good news, or gospel, is that we may ask for and receive His forgiveness because Christ died for us. It is only necessary to approach God via Christ in prayer, acknowledge our shortcomings, and profess our desire for Christ to guide our life for His glory rather than our own. Only in this way can we mend our bond with God.

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