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“Where Focus Goes Energy Flows” – Tony Robbins Power Quote

Do you often feel helpless in life? Are you confused about your career? Do you ask yourself what you are doing with your life? Remember that you are not alone; we all feel this way at some point in our lives.
But it would be best if you did not let the negative thoughts take a toll on your mental health. Yes, it would be best if you fought with yourself and always had a clear vision about what you want to achieve. We know it is not easy, but you have to do it to live a peaceful life.
“Where focus goes energy flows” is a famous quote by Tony Robbins. Although this is just a quote, it is the perfect way to live our lives. However, if you want to get something in real life, you need to understand the logic behind this saying.
Falin Daniel, the coach of Beauty for Ashes, endured the hurt and struggles of life that shattered her. She bottled up her feelings and convinced herself that there was no goodness left in her life. Yes, she didn’t have any hope because she focused all her energy on the negative aspects of life.
Naturally, with all her focus on all that was going wrong in her life, she didn’t feel like taking the initiative to improve things.
But then things took a turn for the better. This blog is all about her struggles and how she was motivated to live her life to its fullest. This quote has completely changed her life.
In this blog, Falin has mentioned the tips that can help you focus on the brighter side of life. She has also mentioned the details she learned from Tony Robbins quote, simply put, and this blog is a shout-out to him. So, dive in if you are looking for the ray of light in your life.

“Where Focus Goes Energy Flows”: Meaning

The quote implies that there is no stopping if you know your goals in life and focus on achieving them. No matter your life or ambitions, you mustn’t lose your focus.
Do you know that your energy flows where attention goes? Yes, if you focus on your life’s negative aspects, you will surround yourself with negative energy. Thus, this perception creates positive energy that can help you achieve your goals. Yes, the more focused and determined you are to achieve your goals, the more energy will be created, and in the end, you will achieve your goals.
There was a time in the life of the coach of Beauty for Ashes when she felt that her life would never change. Moreover, she also felt that there was no strength left in her to tackle life’s challenges.
She was on the verge of giving up when she read this quote, and her life completely changed. Yes, it wasn’t easy to stay positive, but she didn’t lose hope. Also, she was determined to achieve the goals of her life. But yes, she did follow certain tips to stay determined.
This is a daily battle, but it is worth fighting because you will have what your heart desires in the end. In addition to that, you should take little steps but don’t give up too easily.
The popular mantra of Tony Robbins is the perfect way to live life. This advice is for the person struggling to achieve the goals of their life.

Focusing on the Positive Side of Life

The secret mantra behind this message is that do not stay in the dark. You will continue to get negative energy because your mind concentrates on negativity.
According to Tony Robbins, we should always be careful because whatever we feel results from our focus. But unfortunately, most people focus on avoiding short-term pain and make such choices that bring pain and suffering in the longer run.
The aim is to develop a positive mindset and choose peace no matter what happens. Moreover, if you focus on the positive side of life, you radiate confidence. However, we know it can be extremely difficult, as easy as it sounds.
But, you can learn some life lessons from the coach of Beauty for Ashes. Despite her struggles, she was determined to stay focused, and today, she is ready to help others. She knows how difficult life can get and how essential it is to remember the Lord.
Today, she is here to advocate for people not to feel ignored at any cost. With her help, you can also find a positive ray of light in your life. We all need a shoulder to lean on, but Falin is available for you if you cannot find one.

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Tips to Stay Focused

Staying focused is not an easy task as our brains are wired to look for threats. But we need to train our brains to look for that positive ray of life. So the coach of Beauty For Ashes followed the following tips, which made her life easier and happier.

1. Identify Positivity

No matter how many challenges there are, there will always be some positivity in your life. So, don’t lose hope. Instead, help your brain to find positive things in your life. So do it often until it becomes a practice.
It will take some time, but you have to train your brain. So, the next time your brain is flooded with negative thoughts, try to refocus your brain’s attention. For example, you can recall someone’s kindness, or you made someone smile. This will make you feel good because your mind will be compelled to think about the details, and you allow yourself to enjoy positive thoughts freely.

2. Cultivate an Act of Gratitude

Even if your life is entirely disturbed, you need to make sure that you still thank God for his favors. It would help if you always were thankful because you have food to eat and a shelter to live in. Unfortunately, many people are deprived of this blessing, struggling to make their ends meet.
Thus, always thank God because no matter how tough your life is right now, God has blessed you with the necessities of life. So, always remember him and thank him for his kindness.

3. Read Bible

How many times in a day do you stop and wonder how much God loves you? Yes, God loves you more than anyone can ever do. This life is his blessing so remember him always. If you want to find peace in your life, you must remember your God.
The Bible is the Holy book of the Lord, and if we continue to read, we will gain strength and understand how temporary the challenges of life are. Our Lord has promised us that he will never abandon us. So, if you want peace in your life, then read the verses of the Bible. It will soothe your soul and help you live a more peaceful life.

4. Practice Positive Self Talk

You know we are the worst critic of ourselves, and we get hard on yourselves. This leads to negative opinions about yourselves, and over time we become negative. So you should not accuse yourself and respond to the positive messages of your mind.
Even small changes can make your life positive. But, first, you need to forgive yourself for the mistakes and learn to embrace life’s changes. Half of your problems will be solved when you start to love yourself.

5. Spend Time With Positive People

There are times when you cannot get rid of the negative thoughts of your life. Yes, no matter how much you try, you cannot break the cycle of negative thoughts.
You must hang out with your friends or loved ones during such times. A positive person in your life can make your day. Moreover, it also helps in improving the self-esteem of the person. So talk your heart out because it can make you feel light.

Let’s Partner Up To Solve Your Life’s Toughest Challenges

Beauty For Ashes knows it is hard to move on from what you feel right now, but we are sure that this 30 minute call can be your first step to a new beginning.

Lesson That Falin Daniel Learnt

It is significant to understand that energy flows where attention goes is the first step towards achieving life’s goals. She understood the importance of this quote, which was the first step she took to make her life better.

Proactive Approach

Keeping this powerful concept in mind, she learned that she had to help herself as she was alone in her battles. So she started meditating and observing her thoughts. Yes, to live a better life, she needed to observe her thought patterns and eliminate negative ones.
Where focus goes, energy flows seems like a simple quote, but it is an approach to life. Adopting this approach is essential. It releases all the self-doubts and will give you the inner strength you need to fight the obstacles of life.
Moreover, she also realized that no matter what challenges you are afflicted with, you don’t step back when you truly want to live a positive life because all the energies make a force unstoppable as you have your goals to achieve.
Also, during all the chaos, she read the Bible and realized that she needed to thank her Lord for the blessing and always remember Him. Because, even if everyone abandons you, your God will never do it.
Simply put, the way you think optimizes your mind to focus completely on succeeding at the things that are significant to you. Therefore, giving up on life is not an option because it is a gift.

Mend Your Relationship

Mr. Robbins calls it reaction mode! So, pick your battles wisely and avoid getting involved in the negativity. But, yes, you need to avoid it if you want to mend your relationship with others and God.
When you constantly deal with the negativity in your life, you realize that you turn into a negative person. There are possibilities of people avoiding you or not spending much time with you thus, and this can irritate you.
So, when you start to burn the negative vibes, you become more positive, motivated, and goal-oriented. Believe it or not, people will notice this positive change in you, and they will spend time with you.
Do you know that humans are drawn to positive energy? Thus, when you socialize, you give yourself a break from the negatives of life. Falin also realized that, and she didn’t look back after that moment.
This approach helped her mend her relationship with people and her Lord too. The reason she is eager to help people. Thus, she knows this quote has the power to change a life!

Take Away

Simply put, where focus goes, energy flows!
We hope you understand the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of life. So, yes, whenever you feel down or doubt your life goals, then remember the tips mentioned above.
Remember Tony Robbins’s quote because what you feel is the result of your focus. So, if you feel positive, you will be surrounded by positivity, but if you choose to think about the negative things of life, you will be surrounded by negativity. So, always focus on the positive aspects of life by staying connected to the Lord.
You can always contact the wonderful coach of Beauty for Ashes if you feel that you need to talk your heart out.

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